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Thursday, July 30, 2015

No shooting for a while, but film to develop

I haven't taken any of my cameras outside because it is winter and it's wet, but I do have film to develop and I have long forgotten what is on them... this is what I look forward to: The surprise of what will be on these rolls of film. Once they are developed I'll scan and post some of them here.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is Bokeh?

Reflecting on the importance of fine lenses for new photographers

The following presentation is a basic introduction to Bokeh. It highlights the qualities of some vintage camera lenses that are known for creating excellent Bokeh. We have created this presentation from the perspective of film photographers, but it is worth acknowledging that Bokeh exists for digital photography too. The important difference between film and digital photography is that there is no easy correction available for film, so choosing the right equipment is crucial. It is true that a print photo can be scanned and altered, but this is far more difficult than altering digital-born images. An underlying theme to this presentation is to promote a commitment to analogue technology and for photographers to consider the lenses they use.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Some photos


Analogue versus digital

Many people may ask why I'm a film photography advocate

In an age when everything is instant there is something refreshing about waiting and seeing. So, in part, there is a principle of patience with analogue cameras - both waiting for the best shot and waiting to see how it comes out. There is also a principle of randomness and the unexpected that occurs with film photography. On top of this there is the tactile experience of handling heavy, mechanical cameras, loading film, adjusting settings and pointing and shooting. Perhaps it is not convenient, but it is rewarding. Another reason to engage with analogue photography is to use many cameras and lenses that have not been surpassed in quality: Takumar, Zeiss, Leica and other lenses from decades past still hold their own and, in some cases, are highly collectible for the quality photos they produce.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Some like-minded photographers

The Film Shooters Collective

The Film Shooters Collective is a like-minded group of international film photographers. They are interested in building a network of people who still regard film and analogue cameras as an important craft to continue to support. There are also plenty of resources in their 'Support Film' section to look through.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014